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转发关于2015 ASME 国际机械工程会议征稿通知

分类:院内新闻 作者:hpj 来源: 时间:2015-01-09 访问量:

ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition

November 13 – 19, 2015

Houston, Texas


Real-world challenges facing health care, transportation, space exploration, new product design and manufacture, and energy require solutions through cross-disciplinary mechanical engineering approaches. The ASMEInternational Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition(IMECE) facilitates this powerful dialogue among disciplines in the global engineering arena.

Present Your Research and Gain Valuable Recognition

Submit an abstractto present your paper to more than 4,000 attendees representing more than 20 mechanical engineering disciplines. Include your research in this cross-disciplinary mix to help shape the technical content of the meeting and actively participate in the dialogue.

Technical Program Topics Include:

  • Advances in Aerospace Technology

  • Advanced Manufacturing

  • Biomedical & Biotechnology Engineering

  • Dynamics, Vibration, and Control

  • Education and Globalization

  • Emerging Technologies

  • Energy

  • Safety Engineering and Risk Analysis

  • Fluids Engineering Systems & Technology

  • Heat Transfer and Thermal Engineering

  • Materials: Genetics to Structures

  • Mechanics of Solids, Structures and Fluids

  • Micro- and Nano-Systems Engineering and Packaging

  • Systems, Design, and Complexity

  • Transportation Systems

  • Vibration, Acoustics & Wave Propagation

  • Advances in Multidisciplinary Engineering

  • Submission Guidelines

    Abstracts must be submitted online by Monday, March 2. Please visit the “Submit Abstract” section of the IMECE website to review the updated submission requirements. Also, please ensure that your submission represents either the first publication of material or the first publication of an original compilation of information from a number of sources as specifically noted by footnotes and/or bibliography. Your submission should not be similar to other work submitted to, or under consideration by, other organizations and/or journals.

    Visitwww.asmeconferences.org/IMECE2015to learn more. We look forward to seeing you in Houston!