Creation, innovation and Entrepreneurship
题 目:《复杂流体环境中颗粒成核过程的高性能计算模拟》
时 间:2015-1-8(星期四) 10:00~11:30
地 点:jxf吉祥网手机在线jxf吉祥网手机在线学术报告厅(新9教三楼)
摘要:Particle formation process via gas-to-particle conversion (nucleation) within complex flow systems is critical for environmental aerosol generations, as well as in many industrial applications. The main concern is the entangled interaction of fluid dynamic and particle nucleation, where the later is highly sensitive to accurately predicting both thermal and chemical transports within the flows. For practical-scale systems, a complete coupling of fluid and nucleation is still absent up-to-date, mostly due to computational techniques and cost. The focus of this work is to investigate particle nucleation within three-dimensional jet flows, both laminar and turbulent, and via direct numerical simulations. In this talk I will start by incorporating a recently developed size-dependent surface tension nucleation theory with computational fluid dynamics, probing metal particle nucleation within simple physics flows. Then I will discuss the effects of fluid turbulence on metal nucleation in turbulent jet flows. This work probes physical processes coupled with fluid transport phenomena, and the goal is to obtain a more accurate understanding and description of particle nucleation and growth mechanism in complex flow systems, which also leads to the investigation of haze formation within atmosphere
个人简历:Jun Liu is a postdoctoral scholar (2012-2014) in the Mechanical Engineering Department at the California Institute of Technology. He received PhD (2012), M.Sc. (2011) in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Before that he received B.Sc. in Physics from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2008.