Creation, innovation and Entrepreneurship
课题组网站(先进能源转化研究实验室Advanced Energy Conversion Research Lab):
德国洪堡基金会工程科学类“洪堡学者” Humboldt Research Fellowship
欧盟 玛丽∙居里学者 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow
(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目 《弹跳冷凝液滴中的微能量释放及对悬浮颗粒捕集作用研究》;
(2) 欧洲研究理事会,欧盟“地平线2020”科研基金项目 《Trapping airborne particles by Jumping-droplet condensation on superhydrophobic surface》;
(3) 中国工程院,战略研究与咨询项目 《能源与矿产资源节约战略若千重大问题研究》;
(4) 香港创新科技署,Innovation and Technology Support Programme (ITSP) (Mid-stream, theme-based) 《用于增强水分冷凝和去除的工程纳米结构表面》;
(5) 湖北省中央引导地方科技发展专项 《高效一体化流体机械研制及关键技术研究》;
(6) 湖北省核电运行工程技术研究中心应用基础基金项目 《超声波除垢阻垢机理研究》;
(7) 国网电力吉祥彩最新登录平台院 《多种储能技术分析与控制方法研究》;
(8) 中国电力工程顾问集团 《能源大数据服务能源及经济治理能力现代化咨询设计项目》;
(9) 国网湖北电科院 《适用于综合能源规划的多时空维度终端需求预测方法研究》;
(10) 中国电力吉祥彩最新登录平台院武汉分院《电网物资风险应对策略调研分析服务》
§ Hou Y.*, Butt H.J, Kappl M. (2020): Water and Ice Nucleation on Solid Surfaces, Ice Adhesion: Mechanism, Measurement, and Mitigation. John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 978-1-119-64037-0.
§ Hou Y.*, Wang Z., Yao S. (2016): Biomimetic Surfaces for Enhanced Dropwise Condensation Heat Transfer, Bio-Inspired Surfaces and Applications. World Scientific, ISBN: 978-981-4704-48-9.
§ Song, J.; Hou, Y.*; Sudersan, P.; Lam, C. W. E.; Poulikakos, D.; Butt, H.-J.; Yeung, K. L. Hou Y.Inhibition of Condensation-Induced Droplet Wetting by Nano-Hierarchical Surfaces. Chem. Eng. J. 2023, 460, 141761.
§ Ioannou, D.; Hou, Y.; Shah, P.; Ellinas, K.; Kappl, M.; Sapalidis, A.; Constantoudis, V.; Butt, H.-J.; Gogolides, E. Plasma-Induced Superhydrophobicity as a Green Technology for Enhanced Air Gap Membrane Distillation. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 15
§ Song, J., Liu, J., Li, M., Li, S., Kappl, M., Butt, H., Hou, Y.*, Yeung, K. L.*, Hierarchically Branched Siloxane Brushes for Efficient Harvesting of Atmospheric Water. Small 2023, 2301561.
§ Jiang W., Yue Y., Xie D., Hou Y.* (2022) Fully-passive tethered flapping airfoil to harvest high-altitude wind energy. Energy Convers. Manag. 267, 115940.
§ Li S., Hou Y., Kappl M., Steffen W., Liu J, Butt H-J., (2022) Vapor Lubrication for Reducing Water and Ice Adhesion on Poly (dimethylsiloxane) Brushes. . Adv. Mater. 34, 2203242.
§ Li, S, Diaz, D, Kappl, M, Butt, H-J, Liu, J, Hou, Y.* Enhanced condensation heat transfer by water/ethanol binary liquids on polydimethylsiloxane brushes. Droplet. 2022; 1: 214- 222.
§ Hou Y., Shang Y., Yu M., Feng C., Yu H., Yao S.* (2018): Tunable Water Harvesting Surfaces Consisting of Biphilic Nanoscale Topography, ACS nano 12 (11), 11022-11030.
§ Hou Y., Yu M., Shang Y., Zhou P., Song R., Xu X., Chen X., Wang Z., Yao S.* (2018): Suppressing Ice Nucleation of Supercooled Condensate with Biphilic Topography. Physic Review Letters 120 (7), 075902.
§ Shang Y., # Hou Y.,# Yu M., Yao S.* (2018): Modeling and Optimization of Condensation Heat Transfer at Biphilic Interface. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 122, 117-127.
§ Yu M., # Hou Y.,# Song R., Xu X., Yao S.* (2018): Tunable Confinement for Bridging Single-Cell Manipulation and Single-Molecule DNA Linearization. Small 14, 1800229.
§ Xu X., Yuan H., Song R., Yu M., Chung C., Hou Y., Shang Y., Zhou H., Yao S.* (2018): High Aspect Ratio Induced Spontaneous Generation of Monodisperse Picolitre Droplets for Digital PCR. Biomicrofluidics 12 (1), 014103.
§ Song R., Peng C., Xu X., Wang J., Yu M., Hou Y., Zou R.,* Yao S.* (2018): Controllable Formation of Monodisperse Polymer Microbubbles as Ultrasound Contrast Agents. ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (17), 14312-14320.
§ Xu X., Song R., He M., Peng C., Yu M., Hou Y., Qiu H., Zou R.,* Yao S.* (2017): Microfluidic Production of Nanoscale Perfluorocarbon Droplets as Liquid Contrast Agents for Ultrasound Imaging, Lab on a Chip 17 (20), 3504-3513.
§ Li J., Hou Y., Liu Y., Hao C., Li M., Chaudhury MK., Yao S.,* Wang Z.* (2016): Directional Transport of High-temperature Janus Droplets Mediated by Structural Topography. Nature Physics,12, 606–612.
§ Hou Y., Yu M., Chen X., Wang Z., Yao S.* (2015): Filmwise-to-Dropwise Transition Enabled by Patterned High Wetting Contrast. Journal of Heat Transfer 137(8), 080907.
§ Shen Y., Hou Y., Yao S., Huang P., Yobas L.* (2015): In Vitro Epithelial Organoid Generation Induced by Substrate Nanotopography. Scientific Reports 5, 9293
§ Hou Y., Yu M., Chen X., Wang Z.,* Yao S.* (2015): Recurrent Filmwise and Dropwise Condensation on a Beetle Mimetic Surface. ACS Nano 9, 71-81. (web of science高被引论文)
§ Yu M., Hou Y., Zhou H., Yao S.* (2015): An On-Demand Nanofluidic Concentrator. Lab on a Chip, 15, 1524-1532.