
Creation, innovation and Entrepreneurship



分类:院内新闻 作者: 来源: 时间:2021-03-05 访问量:

一、 基本信息






E-mail: jinjiang@whu.edu.cn, jiangjing423@163.com



1981,9---1985,7 武汉水利电力大学 攻读学士学位

1987,9---1990,7 武汉水利电力大学 攻读硕士学位

1994,9---1997,10 华中科技大学 攻读博士学位

1999.5-2001.10 jxf吉祥网手机在线 博士后研究

2003,4---2004,4 加拿大McGill大学访问学者

2007,12----2009,09 加拿大CALGARY 大学访问学者





长期从事流体机械流场计算、泵系统过渡过程计算及旋转机械状态监测和故障诊断研究, 近些年来从事了流场计算和超然冲压发动机燃料供给系统的优化设计研究,特别是在超长距离管道流体输送过渡过程计算方面做了大量研究和工程实践工作。


国家自然科学基金: 基于Steger-Warming FVS的长管道瞬变流计算及水锤的气阀防护研究



1) 神渭管道输煤系统过渡过程模拟和防护研究

2) 山西省东山供水工程管道输水系统水力过渡过程及水锤防护研究

3) 福建省平潭及闽江口水资源配置(一闸三线)工程过渡过程计算软件开发及技术服务

4) 引汉济谓供水工程过渡过程计算

5) 新疆哈腊苏供水工程过渡过程计算

6) 新疆吉木乃工业园供水工程水锤计算

7) 辽西北长距离供水过渡过程计算

8) 内蒙古满洲里引水入市一级泵站水锤计算

9) 内蒙古满洲里钨钼铜矿供水过渡过程数值仿真



1. zhang lisheng, Jiang Jin Study on the Relationship between Impeller Design Parameters and Performance of Partial Emission Pump based on CFD technology, Proceedings of the ASME 2014 4th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting

2. Wang bofu, Jiang Jin Flow Instability of Rayleigh-Berard Convection in A Cylinder with Internal Heat Generation, 6TH ISFMFE 2014 IET

3. Zhang Lisheng, Research on the model of Scramjet Fuel Supply System, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014,VOL 532,PAGE 382-387.

4. Yi Wanshuang, Jiang Jin, Study on the relationship between impeller design parameters and performance of partial emission pump based on CFD technology , Applied Mechanics and Materials,, 2014,VOL 532,PAGE 447-451

5. Jin Jiang, Yu Zhang, Zhenzhen Liu, Xiaohong Weng, Jing Huang.Optimizing of large flow control valve using CFD simulation. The 5th International Symposium on Fluid Machinery and Fluids Engineering,2012.

6. Jin Jiang, Jianping Guo, Haixian Xing, Xiaohong Weng, Zhuo Zhao. Transient calculation of pump system with super long-distance pipelines and multi-valve stroking and protection of water hammer. The 5th International Symposium on Fluid Machinery and Fluids Engineering,2012.

7. Zhuo Zhao, Jin Jiang, Gang Lan, Zhenzhen Liu, Qing He, Ke Li. Water hammer protection of high-lift pump system through the combination of valve and one-way surge. The 5th International Symposium on Fluid Machinery and Fluids Engineering,2012.

8. Zhuo Zhao, Jianghe Sun, Gang Long, Jin Jiang, Wangshuang Yi. Water hammer protection of long distance and high drop height gravity conveyance system through combination of pool and valve. The 5th International Symposium on Fluid Machinery and Fluids Engineering,2012.

9. W S Yi, J Jiang, D D Li, G Lan and Z Zhao. Pump-stopping water hammer simulation based on RELAP5. The 6th International Conference on Pumps and Fans,2013.

10. G Lan,J Jiang, DD Li, W S Yi, Z Zhao and L N Nie. Research on numerical simulation and protection of transient process in long-distance slurry transportation pipelines. The 6th International Conference on Pumps and Fans,2013.

11. D D Li, J Jiang, Z Zhao, W S Yi and G Lan. Research on the water hammer protection of the Long-distance water supply project with the combined action

of the air vessel and over-pressure relief valve. The 6th International Conference on Pumps and Fans,2013.

12. Wensheng Zhao, Jin Jiang, Meiqing Liu, Liaosha Tang. A Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Structural Dynamics with Fluid-Structure Interaction. 2010 International Conference on Computer, Mechatronics, Control and Electronic Engineering (CMCE),2010.

13. Wensheng Zhao, Michael P. Païdoussis, Liaosha Tang, Meiqing Liu, Jin Jiang. The dynamics of cantilevered flexible plates in axial flow. Proceedings of ASME 2010 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting and 8th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels,2010.

14. Wensheng Zhao, Michael P. Païdoussis, LiaoshaTang, MeiqingLiu , JinJiang. Theoretical and experimental investigations of the dynamics of cantilevered flexible plates subjected to axial flow. Journal of Sound and Vibration 331 (2012) 575–587.

15. Jin Jiang , Xiaohong Weng, Xinhua Zhang, Xuefei Jiang. Water-Hammer Calculation and Protection of Condensate Pump System. The Second China Energy Scientist Forum,2010.

16. Jin Jiang, Lina Nie, Guanqiao Huang, Shengwen Dong, Xiangping Chen. A Multi-Valve Protection from Water Hammer in Long-Distance Pipelines. International Conference on Materials for Renewable Energy & Environment(ICMREE),2011.

17. Jin Jiang , Zhihuai Xiao , Guoyu Zhang, Xiaohong Weng, Shengwen Dong. Aerodynamic Numerical Simulation and Performance Prediction of Wind Turbine Rotor. International Conference on Materials for Renewable Energy & Environment(ICMREE),2011.

18. Jin Jiang, Shengwen Dong, Xiangping Chen, Lina Nie, Guanqiao Huang. Protection with air-inlet-and-outlet valve from column separation in pumping system. International Conference on Materials for Renewable Energy & Environment(ICMREE),2011.

19. Liaosha Tang, Michael P. Païdoussis, Jin Jiang. Dynamic of two-dimensional cantilevered thin flexible plates in axial flow:energy transfer and the design of a flutter-mull. Flow Induced Vibration, Zolotarev & Horacek eds. Institute of Thermomechanics, Prague, 2008.

20. Liaosha Tang, Michael P. Païdoussis, Jin Jiang.Dynamics of variants of two-dimensional cantilevered thin flexible plates in axial flow. Flow Induced Vibration, Zolotarev & Horacek eds. Institute of Thermomechanics, Prague, 2008.

21. Lisheng Zhang,Jin Jiang,Zhihuai Xiao,Yanhui Li.Numerical investigation of the effect of banlancing-hole on the axial force of a partial emission pump. Proceedings of the ASME 2014 4th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting.

22. Lisheng Zhang, Jin Jiang ,Zhihuai Xiao,cand Yanhui Li. Study on the relationship between impeller design parameters and performance of partial emission pump based on CFD technology. Applied Mechanics and Materials(AMM) Vol. 532 (2014) pp 447-451.