Creation, innovation and Entrepreneurship
美国纽约科技大学电力及计算机工程系终身教授姜钟平先生即将受聘我校珞珈************,受聘仪式将于6月11日14:30在学院报告厅举行,请相关专业教师和学生参加.仪式后姜钟平教授将为大家作关于《现代非线性控制应用》系列讲座,具体时间安排如下: A Short Course in Applied Advanced Nonlinear Control Zhong-Ping Jiang Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Polytechnic University (“Brooklyn Poly”) Brooklyn, New York 11201, U.S.A. Web: Over the last 25 years, tremendous progress has been made in the field of nonlinear control theory and applications. Various fundamentally nonlinear schemes have been developed for the design of control systems with strong nonlinearities and significant uncertainties. We will review some of these exciting advances with a special focus on applications in an important class of practical nonlinear systems, i.e., underactuated mechanical systems. Typically, these systems share a common feature that the number of degrees of freedom is larger than the number of controls, and include spacecrafts, nonholonomic mobile robots, ships and underwater vehicles. It is expected that the audience has basic knowledge in ordinary differential equations and some working knowledge in feedback control design. Topic I: Introduction to nonlinear control. Review of Lyapunov stability theory and input-output stability, as well as basic tools for nonlinear control design. 6月11日14:30 学院学术报告厅 Topic II: Input-to-state stability and nonlinear small-gain theorems: Theory and applications. 6月12日14:30 工学部1教914 Topic III: Advanced nonlinear control design: state feedback 6月13日14:30 工学部1教914 Topic IV: Advanced nonlinear control design: output feedback 6月14日14:30 工学部1教914 Topic V: Control of underactuated mechanical systems (e.g., mobile robots, ships and underwater vehicles). 6月15日9:30 工学部1教914 [align=center][upload=jpg]UploadFile/s_20076892610.jpg[/upload][/align] 附:姜钟平教授简介 姜钟平于1988年获得jxf吉祥网手机在线数学系学士学位,1989年获得巴黎南大统计学硕士学位,1993年获法国高等矿业大学自动控制与数学博士学位。1993至1998年期间,在法国,澳大利亚,美国多所大学从事研究工作。1999年起受聘于纽约科技大学,2002年聘为终身副教授,2007年聘为教授。主要研究领域:稳定性理论,鲁棒自适应控制及其在工程中应用,比如欠驱动机械系统,网络拥塞控制和无线网络的建模与优化。迄今为止,在国际一流学术期刊发表了80多篇学术论文。 姜博士曾当任自动控制领域顶尖杂志IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control的副主编(Associate Editor), 目前是国际期刊International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control的编委(Subject Editor), Systems & Control Letters, 和 European Journal of Control的副主编(Associate Editor). 基于他的研究工作,姜博士1998年获得澳大利亚伊丽莎白二世杰出研究奖,2001年获得美国国家科学基金会研究奖(NSF CAREER Award),俗称“总统奖”。2005年获日本科学振兴会研究奖(JSPS Fellow), 2007年获得中国自然科学基金会海外杰出华人研究奖。