Creation, innovation and Entrepreneurship
主讲人:Junboum Park(韩国国立首尔大学教授)
题 目:
1.Current Issues and Prospective of Remediation of Contaminated Subsurface in Korea and Green Remediation
2.The Pride of Korea, Global Hub of Engineering
时 间:2014-10-10(星期五) 15:00~17:00
地 点:jxf吉祥网手机在线jxf吉祥网手机在线会议室(新9教三楼)
Junboum Park为韩国国立首尔大学工程院副院长、土木与环境工程系教授,从事地质环境与地质工程技术、可持续发展和绿色修复研究。担任或曾担任韩国土壤与地下水环境协会主任、韩国地质技术协会主任、韩国地质环境协会主任、The Open Waste Management Journal主编,近五年已发表SCI论文20余篇。
In this presentation, laws and regulations of Korea related with soil and groundwater contamination were introduced and big issues in Korea were also introduced. The major laws related with soil and groundwater contamination in Korea were 'Soil Conservation Act', 'Groundwater Act', and 'Waste Disposal Act'. Brief description of the laws and specific criteria for each law were presented. Brownfield redevelopment problems from Moonhyundistric in Busan, LPP sites (US army base), and Yongsan International Business district in Seoul were introduced as big issue in Korea. At last, the concept and status in Korea of 'Green Remediation' which should be the right way to go for environmental engineering were described.