
Creation, innovation and Entrepreneurship



分类:院内新闻 作者:mj 来源: 时间:2014-07-01 访问量:


题 目:温度低至10K的10纳米以下空间尺度电子传输性能

Electron transport in sub-10 nm domain down to 10 K

时 间:2014年7月3日下午3:00—4:00

地 点:动力系会议室(新9教4楼)


报告摘要: For ultra-thin metallic structures (90%) at grain boundaries. For ultra-thin Ir films (0.6~6.3 nm) coated on protein, very strong electron tunneling and hopping is revealed. This directly leads to electron transport around 100~200% higher than that of Ir film on glass fiber. On the other hand, no obvious increase in heat conduction in Ir film is observed. For Ir films (3.2 nm thickness) coated on milkweed floss, electron scattering by phonons and defects is studied at temperatures down to 10 K. The Debye temperature of phonons involved in electron scattering is obtained. It is much lower than that of bulk Ir (phonon softening). Grain boundary, defect, and surface lattice structure are proposed responsible for the observed phonon softening.