Creation, innovation and Entrepreneurship
题目:Nanoscale Heat Transfer: Thermal Conductivity of Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Materials
时 间:2015-3-24(星期二) 14:30~16:00
地 点:jxf吉祥网手机在线jxf吉祥网手机在线学术报告厅(新9教三楼)
报告摘要:Thermal transport plays an important role in energy conversion efficiency and device reliability. There were significant progresses on the understanding of thermal conductivity and phonon transport mechanisms over the past 2 decades, owing much to the challenging needs in high efficiency energy conversion, high speed electronics, and high power lasers. In concurrence with such technical challenges, significant progresses in computational power makes first-principles prediction of materials possible. Ultrafast lasers can now probe materials both at sub-femtosecond timescale and at atomic or sub-nanometer length scale. In this seminar, I will quickly highlight a few notable accomplishments in the field in the context on the efforts in building multiscale-multiphysics simulation platforms for the study of phonon transport and thermal conductivity in nanostructured materials.
Atomic layer deposition (ALD) and molecular layer deposition (MLD) techniques with atomic level control enable a new class of hybrid organic–inorganic materials with improved functionality. The cross-plane thermal conductivity and volumetric heat capacity of three types of hybrid organic–inorganic zincone thin films fabricated by molecular layer deposition (MLD) and alternate atomic/molecular layer deposition (ALD/MLD) processes were measured. We revealed the critical role of backbone flexibility in the structural morphology and thermal conductivity of MLD zincone thin films by comparing the thermal conductivity of MLD zincone films with an aliphatic backbone to that with aromatic backbone. Much lower thermal conductivity values were obtained in ALD/MLD-enabled hybrid organic–inorganic zincone thin films compared to that of the ALD-enabled W/Al2O3 nanolaminates reported by Costescu et al. [Science 2004, 303, 989–990], which suggests that the dramatic material difference between organic and inorganic materials may provide a route for producing materials with ultralow thermal conductivity
Coupled with its low thermal conductivity,polymer thermoelectric composites are attractive for energy harvesting and localized cooling where temperature gradients are moderate, surfaces are irregular, toxic or rare elements are avoided, and low-cost processing is preferred.Though great progresses have been made for p-type polymers with a thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT) up to 0.42,there has been a paucity of unipolar n-type composites for this purpose. I will report the measurement and understanding on the low thermal conductivity of an N-type flexible hybrid TiS2-organic superlattice showing ZT > 0.1,making possible the realization of flexible thermoelectric devices for wearable electronics, with both n- and p-type materials available.
杨荣贵博士的研究成果已获得许多国际奖项,如2004年美国国家航空和宇宙航行局技术创新奖(NASA),2005年国际热电学会戈德史密斯奖, 2008年美国国防部高等研究局青年教师奖(DARPA Young Investigator Award), 2009年美国国家科学基金会的教授职业奖(NSF CAREER Award), 2010年美国机械工程师学会的青年研究奖(ASME Bergles-Rohsenow Young Investigator in Heat Transfer), 2012年和2013年被瑞士苏黎世工学院院和日本学术振兴会聘请为特邀研究员,2014年国际热电学会青年研究奖。值得一提的是杨荣贵博士于2008年名列麻省理工学院出版的《科技评论》从全球医药、计算机、通讯、电子、纳米技术和能源等领域年龄在35岁以下的的杰出青年科学家和技术专家中,推选出的35位“世界顶级青年创造者榜”。
杨荣贵博士已发表了包括3篇《自然-材料》在内的约100篇期刊论文和约100个特邀讲座。他的论文已被SCI引用2900次(2014年的年引用率超过600次),谷歌学术搜索引用4450次(2014年的年引用率超过1000次)。他的研究生和博士后多次获得国际会议的最佳论文/海报/演讲奖。杨荣贵博士拥有10项已审批和待批发明专利,也是开文热工科技公司的合伙创始人(Co-Founder, Kelvin Thermal Technologies, Inc)。
杨荣贵博士是包括科学、自然,自然-材料,自然-纳米技术,自然-通讯,物理评论快报,纳米快报,ACS纳米,物理评论等的50多个高影响学术刊物的常年评审人。 杨荣贵博士也是包括国家科学基金会(NSF)、能源部(DOE)、国防部(海陆空三军研究办公室ONR, ARO, AFOSR和国防部高等研究局DARPA)等的美国联邦资助机构的常年评审。杨荣贵博士还是包括欧洲研究理事会和中国国家奖励办公室等其他国家和地区的科研资助和奖励机构的评审人。
杨荣贵博士兼任美国机械工程师学会能源和可持续发展纳米技术指导委员会主席(2015-2017年),和美国机械工程师学会传热部纳米传热学委员会主席(2015-2017年)。他还是由自然出版集团的《ScientificReport》期刊的编委和美国机械工程师学会《Journal of Electronic Packaging》期刊的副主编。