Creation, innovation and Entrepreneurship
主讲人:Prof. Ajayan Vinu(The University of Queensland)
题 目:Advanced Functional Nanoporous Materials for Multiple Applications
时 间:2015-6-9(星期二) 14:30~15:30
地 点:jxf吉祥网手机在线jxf吉祥网手机在线A9403(材料系会议室)
摘要:Nanoporous materials have received enormous attention in recent years because of their remarkable properties such as high specific surface areas, large specific pore volumes, chemical inertness, and good chemical and mechanical stability, which lend them to potential applications. The incorporation of hetero atoms such as boron and nitrogen in these nanoporous materials can further offer the electronic and semi-conducting properties. In this talk, I will present the preparation, structural and morphological control, and the functionalization of highly ordered and graphitic nanoporous carbon and nitrides with tunable pore diameters and textural features.The relation between the structural parameters and the performance of these materials in various applications including catalysis, sensing and energy storage will be demonstrated.In the second part of the talk, the fabrication of various nanoporous films including carbons, nitrides, semiconducting nanostructures, and biomolecules with tunable macroporosity, thickness, and morphology will be presented. These porous films have been fabricated by using P123 block copolymer and polystyrene spheres as templates, and utilized for sensing. For example, nanoporous CN film offers the superior affinities for toxic acid molecules but the selectivity can be totally reversed for basic molecule after treatment with UV. This novel highly ordered film with photo-switch functions can offer new possibilities for the development of sensing systems for toxic molecules.
个人简历:Prof. Vinu has been working as a full professor and ARC Future Fellow at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia since September 2011. Before moving to Australia, he had been working as a senior researcher at the national institute for materials science (NIMS), Tsukuba, Japan since 2006 after he successfully completed two years of the ICYS fellowship at the same institute and a few years of research at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern (TUK), Germany. Although Prof. Vinu registered his PhD at the Anna University, he performed most of his PhD work at the TUK, Germany (2000-2003). During these 14 years of research, Prof. Vinu has made a tremendous contribution in the field of nanoporous materials and their application in sensing, energy storage, fuel cells, adsorption and separation, and catalysis. The quality of his research has been recognised with several international awards including Scopus Young Researcher Award 2014, Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel award by the Humboldt Society (2010), JSPS Senior Invitational Fellow for the year 2014, Australian Future Fellowship (Professorial Level) for the year 2010, Indian Society for Chemists and Biologists award for excellence for the year 2010, Catalysis Society of India Young Scientist award for the year 2010, Chemical Society of Japan Award for the Young Scientist for the year 2008, Laureate of Khwarizmi International Award 2008, Asian Excellent Lectureship Award, and ICYS fellowship. Prof. Vinu is honoured with the fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry, FRSC (UK) and Foreign Fellow of Maharashtra Academy of Sciences, FFMAS. His contribution in the field of nanoporous materials is also clearly reflected by his international ranking by Science Watch as one of the top 15 researchers in the field and has led to 295 papers in high impact factor journals with ca. 10,500 citations and a H-index of 53. His research has been published in top journals like Angew. Chemie, Nano Letters, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Adv. Mater, Adv. Funct., Mater. Chem., Eur. J., Chem. Mater., etc. with an average of 750 citations per year. At least 25 of his papers have been cited more than 100 times (5 papers have been cited more than 200 times) and 53 papers have been cited more than 50 times. The innovative nature and commercial potential of my research is evidenced in the 16 national and international patents I have been awarded for novel mesoporous carbon, silica and carbon nitride materials. I have received more than $6.5 million AUD from both industry and government funding agencies. He has also been invited to write several chapters by respected publishers including Wiley, Elsevier and American Scientific. This numerical data reveals the high quality of his research, innovative ideas and creativity. He is the Editor of Science of Advanced Materials and Australian Editor of Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and recently, was invited and appointed as the Editor-in-Chief of Advanced Porous Materials by the American Scientific Publishers for a period of five years. He has been recently appointed as the Editorial Board Member of Scientific Reports, a Nature Publishing Group and Chemical Record, a Wiley Journal for three years. Professor Vinu is also in the Editorial board of several journals namely Journal of Nano Science and Nanotechnology, Current Science, etc. His research has attracted worldwide attention and he has been invited to deliver presentations at numerous international conferences, workshops and seminars and chaired sessions of several international conferences. Professor Vinu has visited institutes in more than 30 countries to deliver lectures and gave ca. 165 lectures including 16 plenary and 20 keynote lectures at international conferences as well as ca. 130 invited talks. Because of his outstanding performance and collaboration activities, he was offered honorary professor position from leading universities including Hokkaido University, Japan, Yonsei University, South Korea, Kyungpook National University, South Korea, and Anna University, India, and Adjunct Principal Researcher from Korean Research Institute for Chemical technology, Daejeon, South Korea. Professor Vinu has a network of collaborations with researchers in 15 countries. He has a strong collaborative links with the researchers from NIMS, Japan, Yonsei and EWHA Womans University and Kyungpook National University (South Korea). He established NIMS-India Materials Research Center at IICT Hyderabad and was appointed as the research director for two years. One of the active collaborations he has is with Professors Katsuhiko Ariga and Toshiyuki Mori from NIMS, Japan, mainly on the development of novel porous nanostructures for the fuel cells and sensing. Professor Vinu has organised numerous international conferences and workshops.