
Creation, innovation and Entrepreneurship


学术讲座:Laser based translational manufacturing for engineered functional nanostructures

分类:院内新闻 作者:张震 来源: 时间:2017-05-16 访问量:


题目:Laser based translational manufacturing for engineered functional nanostructures


Gary J. Cheng, Associate Professor

Birck Nanotechnology Center

College of Engineering

Purdue University

时间:2017年5月16日 下午4点




Our recent explorations into the generation and integration of engineered nanostructures in structural and functional components have enabled new opportunities and challenges in large scale manufacturing of materials system for energy, automobile, aerospace, biomedical, electronics and photonics applications. This seminar starts with overviewing the methodologies of our research group in advanced materials processing that promote the science-based engineering of materials instead of empirically based engineering. This talk will discuss our recent study on nanomanufacturing, which shrinks the macroscale materials processing to large scale manipulation of nanomaterials system, which generate thermal and mechanical interaction between the 0D-2D nanocrystals, including large area 3D nanopatterning of crystalline materials (metals, 2D crystals, nanowires), nanojoining of functional nanocrystals for electronic additive manufacturing, and depositions of functional nanomaterials on 3D nanoscale architectures, for electro-optical, plasmonic, energy storage/conversion, drug delivery applications. In the future, we plan to promote smart manufacturing by developing precise, controlled, and sustainable nanotechnologies that will enable the manufacturing of products with unraveled properties.