
Creation, innovation and Entrepreneurship


讲座通知:Safety of Industrial Robots: From Conventional to Collaborative Applications

分类:院内新闻 作者:苗佳 来源: 时间:2017-07-20 访问量:

题目:Safety of Industrial Robots: From Conventional to Collaborative Applications

报告人:丁昊博士 (ABB德国研究院,首席科学家)

时间:2017年7月21日 上午9:30 地点:jxf吉祥网手机在线报告厅



Recent years have seen a rather rapid development of more complex safety functionality for industrial robots, driven from the technological side by advances in microprocessors and safety-certifiable components on all levels. The business opportunity this addresses aims at introducing robots into new application environments, in which the traditional business paradigm does not hold. In order to reduce the need for floor space and for conventional safeguarding while maintaining advantages of robotic automation associated with quality and increasing flexibility further, robots must be enhanced to be able to operate in closer quarters with human workers in the production environment. While the approach of human-robot collaboration (HRC) in industrial production is only now beginning to make its way into practical applications, the relevant expert communities have been very active in the development of the related functionality, of the required safety capabilities residing increasingly in sensors and processors, and in the standardized documentation of the requirements to be fulfilled by industrial robots and robot systems. 

In this talk, we survey the developments of industrial robots and of the robot safety standards, outlining the steps that have brought us to the present status, the opening of possibilities for human-robot collaboration in industrial production. The four basic types of collaborative operation are summarized and open research questions in this area are formulated.


 丁昊,博士,ABB德国研究院,主任级/首席科学家(Principal Scientist),研发中心项目经理(Project Manager)。2003年本科毕业于北京理工大学自动化系;2006年在德国多特蒙德工业大学获得机器人与自动化硕士学位;2013年在德国卡塞尔大学获得博士学位。在攻读博士期间,于2007年1月至2009年7月担任慕尼黑工业大学自动控制研究所助理研究员。2011年10月至今就职于ABB德国研究院。2014年起担任欧盟机器人项目申请特邀评审专家。 

丁昊博士参与开发过ABB YuMi机器人,ABB第二代安全控制器(SafeMove2),欧盟及德国政府机器人项目(ROSETTA,BRICS,CoTeSys, etc.),并参与制定工业协作机器人系统国际安全推荐标准ISO/TS 15066:2016。现主要研究领域:工业协作机器人系统关键技术及应用,工业机器人国际安全标准及机器人安全检测,机器人运动控制,机器人装配和零件组装,及智能工厂自动化。 

丁昊博士的硕士论文《Supervisory Control of a Solar Air-Conditioning System》,获得欧盟HYCON (an EU/IST FP6 Network of Excellence on hybrid control systems) WP2 Solar Benchmark Exercise Award。他的《关于协作机器人的路径优化》的论文(Optimizing Motion of Robotic Manipulators in Interaction with Human Operators),于2011年获得国际会议ICIRA的最佳论文奖(Best Paper Award)并收录在Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), Springer。他的《关于人机协作装配的任务优化》的论文(Optimized Task Distribution for Industrial Assembly in Mixed Human-Robot Environments – Case Study on IO Module Assembly),于2014年获得了国际会议IEEE CASE的最佳应用论文奖(Best Application Paper Award)。丁昊博士在德留学期间,于2011年获得了国家优秀自费留学生奖学金。