
Creation, innovation and Entrepreneurship


讲座通知:Tuning Microporous Ceramic Membranes for Gas Separation and Solvent Nanofiltration

分类:院内新闻 作者:张震 来源: 时间:2018-03-20 访问量:

时 间:2018年03月26日上午9:30

地 点:jxf吉祥网手机在线三楼老会议室

主讲人:Prof. Louis Winnbust



Industrial applications of membrane technology demands a robust membrane that is able to endure aggressive environments, like high temperatures/high pressures or a continuous exposure towards organic solvents. Membranes, based on ceramic materials are interesting candidates, because of their robustness under these industrial circumstances. Examples of demanding separation conditions are H2recovery from syngas, ‘sweetening’ of natural gas (CO2/CH4separation), oil-water separation, purification of (aggressive) organic solvents and/or the recovery of precious components from organic solvents.

In order obtain ceramic membranes with the desired separation properties, very often tuning of the ceramic pore is important. Not only the size of the pore (in the nanometer range), but also the chemistry of the membrane surface and membrane pore is an important parameter for obtaining the required membrane performance. In my presentation fabrication, microstructure and transport properties will be discussed of two types of ceramic membranes:

1. Solgel-derived ceramic membranes for gas separation

2. Polymer-functionalized ceramic membranes for solvent nanofiltration

For obtaining solgel-derived gas-separation ceramic membranes in a reproducible wat, in-depth knowledge is necessary on the whole fabrication process, from sol synthesis, via applying a gel-type coating on a porous support to temperature treatments in order to obtain a separation layer with the desired microstructure. Several aspects of the sol-gel process, which determine the final membrane microstructure and separation properties, will be discussed during the presentation.

For organic solvent nanofiltration (OSN) state-of-the art polymeric or ceramic membranes do not always meet stability and/or selectivity demands at process-relevant conditions. like separation/purification of harsh organic solvents and operations at high temperatures or pressures. In order to fulfil these operational requirements a concept is developed, based on mesoporous (pore size 5 - 10 nm) ceramic membranes, as a non-swelling and non-compactable, rigid material, acting as a support, on which polymer materials are immobilized; i.e. covalently or electrostatically bonded. In this way the pore size and surface chemistry of membranes can be adjusted for any specific separation application by varying the composition/structure of the polymer. In this way the best of both was achieved, meaning the robustness of ceramic membranes and the selectivity of polymeric membranes. Several examples of polymer-functionalized membranes and its properties will be discussed.


Louis Winnubst is Associate Professor in the Inorganic Membranes group of the faculty of Science and Technology, University of Twente, The Netherlands.

Since 2004 Louis is also adjunct visiting professor at the School of Chemistry and Materials Science of the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, Anhui, P.R. China.

In 1984 he obtained his PhD degree at the University of Twente on the thesis: "Electrical and Interface Properties of Pure and Modified Yttria Stabilized Zirconia".

His research activities are in the field of ceramic processing for the development of new inorganic membranes and the characterization of its microstructural and transport properties. Examples are polymer-functionalized ceramic membranes for solvent nanofiltration and sol-gel derived or zeolitic membranes for gas separation. He supervised 15 PhD projects and is author of 135 papers, published in peer reviewed journals.

Louis is China country coordinator for the University of Twente.

He is a fellow and board member of the European Ceramic Society and an editor of the Journal of the European Ceramic Society.