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瑞典山特维克集团研发首席专家柴国才教授学术报告:Micro deformation and damage mechanisms during creep and fatigue in an advanced heat resistant austenitic stainless steel

分类:院内新闻 作者:张震 来源: 时间:2018-11-30 访问量:

时 间:2018年12月4日(周二)下午14:30

地 点:jxf吉祥网手机在线jxf吉祥网手机在线报告厅


报告题目:Micro deformation and damage mechanisms during creep and fatigue in an advanced heat resistant austenitic stainless steel

报告摘要:Sanicro 25 material is a newly developed advanced heat resistant austenitic stainless steel. This material shows a combination of good resistance to steam oxidation and flue gas corrosion, and higher creep rupture strength than any other austenitic stainless steels available today. It is an excellent candidate material for high efficient coal fired power plants with a steam temperature up to 700°C. This lecture will provide an overview on the study of creep, fatigue and creep-fatigue interaction behavior in this alloy for structure integrity analysis. It will mainly focus on micro deformation and damage mechanisms during these processes by using TEM and SEM/EBSD/ECCI analysis.


    柴国才博士是瑞典山特维克集团研发(Sandvik Materials Technology)首席专家和瑞典林雪平大学(Linköping University)工程材料教授。主要从事材料、性能、力学和寿命的研究。他1982年毕业于北京科技大学材料系,1994年在斯德哥尔摩大学获得材料化学博士学位并在加拿大温莎大学做博士后。1995年他在瑞典Studsvik材料(核电材料)公司任高级研究工程师。1997年后他加盟山特维克和林雪平大学。


柴国才教授发表过223篇论文和报告,出版过2本专著,并为其他3本专著撰写章节及综述;他获得几十项国际专利,特别是超超临界火力发电站高温材料, 超高级双相钢和Hiflex高性能阀片钢的开发成功,将为发展高效力低排放干净能源作出贡献。他还在国际会议上作过40余次大会讲座、主题讲座和特邀讲座。1992年,柴国才教授获得美国铸造协会颁发的年会最高奖(Howard F. Taylor奖)。此外,他还获得瑞典金属协会最高奖、三次Kamipris奖和二次Wilhelm Haglund奖的提名。


Guocai Chai is global group chief expert at Sandvik group and an adjunct professor in Engineering Materials atLinköping University,Sweden. He graduated atUniversityofScienceand Technology,Beijing, USTB, in 1982 and got PhD atStockholmUniversityin 1994. His main research areas are material science, material mechanics, fatigue and fracture, and structure integrity. He is the board members of Swedish royal Academy-Mechanics society, Swedish Society of Materials; Swedish steel producers’ association, Jernkontoret, steel development and applications. The management committee member of European creep collaboration committee; and the technical advisor/expert of the EU Research Funding for Coal and Steel. He has published more than 223 papers, two books, two monographs and three chapters/overviews in three books, and delivered more than 42 plenary, keynote and invited lectures at international conferences. He has been awarded many patents, and received the Howard F. Taylor Award of the American Foundryman’s Society in 1992. He was the nominees for the “Kami Prize” between 2012-2015, and the Wilhelm Haglund Medal 2015 and 2016. He is one of organizers for EuroMat 2019 conference and symposium of advanced steels.