
Creation, innovation and Entrepreneurship



分类:院内新闻 作者:sunlg 来源: 时间:2008-05-22 访问量:


主讲人:DEM Solutions亚太地区主任Dr. David Byrne

时 间: 2008年5月23日(星期五)上午10:00-12:00

地 点:机械工程系会议室(老九教三楼9310)


附:Dr. David Byrne (包大衛博士)简介


B.Sc. Chemical Engineering,Swansea University,UK

(1st in year)

M.Sc. Electronic Engineering,Swansea University,UK


Ph.D. 'Numerical Modeling of Semiconductor Devices',Swansea University,UK


Dr. Byrne has worked in the area of CAE and CFD simulation software for over 25 years. For the last 18 years he has lived inTaiwanandSingapore, and has made over 100 visits to MainlandChina. His experience covers the use of numerical methods for the analysis of structural, fluid, thermal, electromagnetic and particle dynamics, with a special focus on the use of simulation tools for product and process design. In his present position with UK-based DEM Solutions, he is Regional Director for their Asia Pacific software sales and consulting operations. DEM Solutions is a world leader in the development of Discrete Element Method software for the simulation of particle flows and granular mechanics.