Creation, innovation and Entrepreneurship
5月18日,我院青年教师夏热以第一作者身份,我院为第一单位撰写的研究论文《Surface effects on the mechanical properties of nanoporous materials》刊登在IOP期刊《Nanotechnology》(IF.3.137,SCI 1区)上。
此前,李培生教授以第一作者身份,我院为第一单位在《JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS》(IF.4.144,SCI 1区)上发表研究论文《Investigation of sulfur forms and transformation during the co-combustion of sewage sludge and coal using》。
青年教师王晓笋、夏热团队以第一作者和通讯作者身份,我院为第一单位先后在期刊《Europhysics Letters—EPL》 ( IF 2.893)上发表名为《Size-dependent effective modulus of hierarchical nanoporous foams》的研究性论文, 在《Langmuir》上发表了名为《A new wetting mechanism based upon TCL pinning》(IF 3.898)的研究性论文。
张世荣副教授以第一作者身份,我院为第一单位在《Applied Energy》(IF 2.209)上先后发表了《optimal control of operation efficiency of belt conveyor systems》和《Modeling and energy efficiency optimization of belt conveyors》的研究性论文。
目前,夏热老师已投稿材料类顶级期刊 《Acta Materialia》(IF 3.76)有望刊登,如果正式刊登将是jxf吉祥网手机在线近10年来第二篇刊登在该期刊的研究性论文。同时,夏老师参与撰写的英文著作《Advance in soft Matter Mechanics》—(Chapter 9.Capillary Adhesion of Mico-beams and Plates: A Review)也已被正式接收,将在近日出版。
《Surface effects on the mechanical properties of nanoporous materials》链接
《Investigation of sulfur forms and transformation during the co-combustion of sewage sludge and coal using》链接
《Size-dependent effective modulus of hierarchical nanoporous foams》链接
《A new wetting mechanism based upon TCL pinning》链接
《optimal control of operation efficiency of belt conveyor systems》链接
《Modeling and energy efficiency optimization of belt conveyors》链接