
Creation, innovation and Entrepreneurship



分类:院内新闻 作者: 来源: 时间:2021-02-27 访问量:








E-mail: wensheng.zhao@whu.edu.cn


2021.11-至今,  jxf吉祥网手机在线,教授,博导

2014.11-2021.10  jxf吉祥网手机在线,副教授,博导(2020年)

2014.03-2014.10 jxf吉祥网手机在线,讲师

2011.07-2014.03 jxf吉祥网手机在线&中国广核集团苏州热工研究院,博士后

2008.09-2010.09 加拿大McGill University,机械工程系,联合培养博士

2004.09-2011.06 jxf吉祥网手机在线,流体机械及工程,博士学位

2000.09-2004.06  jxf吉祥网手机在线,热能与动力工程,学士学位


1. 流体机械流动理论与关键技术

2. 新型高效一体化流体机械研制

3. 流固耦合振动分析及控制





1. 主持科研项目

  1. 国家自然科学基金-面上项目:波形板汽水分离器两相传质过程及液膜再携带机理研究

  2. 国家自然科学基金-面上项目:不同来流作用下管道失稳机理及流固耦合非线性动力学研究

  3. 国家自然科学基金-核技术创新联合基金重点项目课题:核燃料包壳FeCrAl基合金制备及抗辐照性能研究

  4. 国家自然科学基金-青年项目:管束结构流固耦合振动及失稳机理研究

  5. 中央军委科技委国防科技创新重点项目子课题:×××双功能×××

  6. GF项目:×××系统水锤仿真及措施实施与试验技术服务

  7. GF项目:×××高能管道断裂甩击分析方法研究

  8. 湖北省自然科学基金-面上项目:不同来流下板结构流固耦合动力特性研究

  9. jxf吉祥网手机在线“351人才计划科研项目:能源动力系统多物理场耦合研究

  10. jxf吉祥网手机在线自主科研项目:船舶泵阀系统水力过渡过程计算与优化

  11. 横向课题:换热器流致振动仿真分析

  12. 横向课题:RIC指套管流致振动与磨损仿真分析计算

  13. 横向课题:核电波形板汽水分离器两相流动及液滴再携带机理研究

  14. 横向课题:基于双流体模型的蒸汽发生器传热管流动传热计算分析

  15. 横向课题:蒸汽发生器传热管流致振动与流场试验分析

  16. 横向课题:AP1000核电厂WLS模块阀门和泵拆除及更换适应性分析

  17. 横向课题:稳压器波动管流动及热分层效应分析

  18. 横向课题:核电管道振动应力分析与寿命评估

  19. 横向课题:深隧泵站振动和噪声分析及治理方案研究

  20. 横向课题:热电偶套筒强度分析与寿命评估

  21. 横向课题:核电站BONNA管水力计算

  22. 横向课题:核电站SEC系统充水过程内衬受力分析

  23. 横向课题:安全壳涂层导热性能分析计算

  24. 横向课题:高温服役管道材料损伤试验研究

  25. 横向课题:核电站异种钢焊接接头结构完整性评定研究

2. 代表性论文和论著

  1. Y. Cheng, X. Luo, P. Wang, Z. Yang, J. Huang, J. Gu, W. Zhao*. Multi-objective optimization of thermal-hydraulic performance in a microchannel heat sink with offset ribs using the fuzzy grey approach, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 201: 117748.

  2. Z. Cai, P. Wang, X. Luo, J. Huang, Z. Qin, J. Mei, W. Zhao*. Numerical investigation on the influence of class number and wavelength on the performance of curved vane demisters, Atmosphere, 2022, 13(10): 1711.

  3. X. Luo, Y. Cheng, W. Zhang, W. Zhao*. Mixing performance analysis of the novel passive micromixer designed by applying fuzzy grey relational analysis, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 178: 121638.

  4. X. Luo, W. Zhang, H. Dong, A. K. Thakur, B. Yang, W. Zhao*. Numerical analysis of heat transfer enhancement of fluid past an oscillating circular cylinder in laminar flow regime, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2021, 139: 103853.

  5. S. Li, P. Wang, X. Luo, Y. Wang, X. Yang, A. K. Thakur, W. Zhao*. Numerical analysis of chevron demisters with drainage hooks in optimizing separation performance, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 152: 119522.

  6. P. Wang, J. Jiang, S. Li, X. Yang, X. Luo, Y. Wang, A. K. Thakur, W. Zhao*. Numerical investigation on the fluid droplet separation performance of corrugated plate gas-liquid separators, Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 248: 117027.

  7. Y. Wang, W. Zhao*, P. Wang, J. Jiang, X. Luo. Thermal performance of elliptical fin-and-tube heat exchangers with vortex generator under various inclination angles, Journal of Thermal Science, 2021, 30(1): 257-270.

  8. X. Luo, S. Wang, J. Wang, P. Wang, Y. Wang, W. Zhao*. Analysis of whipping effect on high energy pipe in a nuclear power plant, Fusion Engineering and Design, 2020, 150: 111359.

  9. P. Wang, J. Jiang, S. Li, X. Luo, S. Wang, W. Zhao*. An investigation of influence factor including different tube bundles on inclined elliptical fin-tube heat exchanger, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 142: 118448.

  10. P. Wang, W. Zhao*, J. Jiang, X. Wang, S. Li, X. Luo. Experimental and numerical investigations of flow-induced vibration of tube arrays subjected to cross flow, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2019, 176: 103956.

  11. W. Zhao*, Y. Li, M.Xue, P. Wang, J. Jiang. Vibration analysis for failure detection in low pressure steam turbine blades in nuclear power plant, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2018, 84: 11-24.

  12. J. Jiang, Y. Li, W. Zhao*, R. Ying, Y. Fu. Hydrodynamic buffer effect on the fall-off core barrel assembly in hypothetical drop accident, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2018, 332: 79-87.

  13. H. Wu, K. Cai, H. Zeng, W. Zhao, D. Xie, Y. Yue*, Y. Xiong, X. Zhang. Time-domain transient fluorescence spectroscopy for thermal characterization of polymers, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 138: 403-408.

  14. P. Lin, M. Liu*, W. Zhao*, Z. Liu, Y. Wu, Fei Xue, Yipeng Zhang. Influence of tip clearance on the performance of a screw axial-flow pump, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2017, 9(6): 1-10.

  15. W. Zhao*, F. Xue, G. Shu, M. Liu, L. Lin, Z. Wang, Z. Xiao. Analysis of flow-induced vibration of steam generator tubes subjected to cross flow, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2014, 275: 375-381.

  16. F. Xue, Z. Wang*, W. Zhao, X. Zhang, B. Qu, W. Liu. Fretting fatigue crack analysis of the turbine blade from nuclear power plant, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2014, 44: 299-305.

  17. W. Zhao, M.P. Païdoussis*, L. Tang, M. Liu, J. Jiang. Theoretical and experimental investigations of the dynamics of cantilevered flexible plates subjected to axial flow, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2012, 331(3): 575-587.

  18. W. Zhao, M.P. Païdoussis*, L. Tang, M. Liu, J. Jiang. The dynamics of cantilevered flexible plates in axial flow, ASME Fluids Engineering Division Publication, 2010, 3: 875-882.

  19. 赵文胜*,罗翔宇,王鹏飞,蒋劲,尚一博.某核电站高能管道甩击特性及参数影响分析,华南理工大学学报(自然科学版),201947(6)80-86

  20. 赵文胜*,王鹏飞,李燕辉,刘梅清,蒋劲.汽轮机末级叶片振动特性研究,华南理工大学学报(自然科学版),201644(8)8-12

  21. 赵文胜,刘梅清*,蒋劲,林琦.轴向流中悬臂柔性板流固耦合动力特性研究,固体力学学报,201132(5)520-526

  22. 刘梅清,赵文胜*,蒋劲,林琦.轴向流中不同约束条件柔性板稳定性分析,排灌机械工程学报,201129(1)39-44

  23. 王兆希,赵文胜,张国栋等.电站金属材料性能评估与失效机理[M],中国电力出版社,2018

3. 授权专利

  1. 赵文胜,王鹏飞.一种可拆卸汽水分离性能测试循环系统,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 202010973245.8

  2. 赵文胜,罗翔宇.一种高能管道断裂防护装置,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 202010810180.5

4. 荣誉与奖励

  1. 中国电力科学技术进步奖二等奖

  2. jxf吉祥网手机在线“351人才计划珞珈青年学者