Creation, innovation and Entrepreneurship
1. Y. Cheng, C. Tian*, Z. Huang*, Three-dimensional reconstruction of flame temperature and H2O concentration using water vapor integrated spectral band emission, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 294 (2023) 108404.
2. Z. Li, S. Cai, Y. Xiong, Z. Huang*, Directional radiative intensity calculation in one-dimensional media by spherical harmonics method, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 278 (2022) 108011.
3. Y. Cheng, S. Yang, Z. Huang*, Ray Effects and False Scattering in Improved Discrete Ordinates Method, Energies, 14(20) (2021) 6839.
4. Y. Cheng, H. Li, J. Zhang, Z. Huang*, Solution of radiative intensity with high directional resolution in heterogeneous participating media and irregular geometries by the null-collision reverse Monte Carlo method, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 152 (2020) 119475.
5. H. Li, J. Zhang, Y. Cheng, Z. Huang*, Calculations of radiative intensity in one-dimensional gaseous media with black boundaries using the statistical narrow band model, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 240 (2020) 106691.
6. Z. Huang*, Q. Cheng, C. Lou, A direct solution for radiative intensity with high directional resolution in isotropically scattering media, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 117 (2018) 296-302.
7. Z. Huang, X. Ruan*, Nanoparticle embedded double-layer coating for daytime radiative cooling, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 104 (2017) 890-896.
8. Z. Huang, H. Zhou*, G. Wang, P.-f. Hsu, Equation Solving DRESOR Method for Radiative Transfer in Three-Dimensional Isotropically Scattering Media, Journal of Heat Transfer, 136(9) (2014) 092702.
9. Z. Huang, H. Zhou*, Q. Cheng*, P.-f. Hsu, Solution of radiative intensity with high directional resolution in three-dimensional rectangular enclosures by DRESOR method, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 60 (2013) 81-87.
10. Z. Huang, H. Zhou, P.-f. Hsu*, Improved Discrete Ordinates Method for Ray Effects Mitigation, Journal of Heat Transfer, 133(4) (2011) 044502.
11. Z. Huang, P.-f. Hsu*, A. Wang, Y. Chen, L. Liu, H. Zhou, Wavelength-selective infrared absorptance of heavily doped silicon complex gratings with geometric modifications, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 28(4) (2011) 929-936.
12. Z. Huang, Q. Cheng, H. Zhou*, The Iterative-DRESOR method to solve radiative transfer in a plane-parallel, anisotropic scattering medium with specular-diffuse boundaries, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 110(13) (2009) 1072-1084.
13. Z. Huang, Q. Cheng, H. Zhou*, P.-f. Hsu, Existence of Dual-Peak Temporal Reflectance from a Light Pulse Irradiated Two-Layer Medium, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 56(4) (2009) 342-359.
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2. 周怀春, 李水清, 黄志锋, 刘华波. 纳米尺度能量输运和转换: 对电子、分子、声子和光子的统一处理(译). 清华大学出版社. 2014. (原著信息:Gang Chen, Nanoscale Energy Transport and Conversion: a Parallel Treatment of Electrons, Molecules, Phonons, and Photons, Oxford University Press, 2005)