Creation, innovation and Entrepreneurship
2013年 - 至今, jxf吉祥网手机在线jxf吉祥网手机在线, 教授、博士生导师、国家级人才计划
2011年 - 2013年, 德国慕尼黑工业大学土木与测量学院, Humboldt Fellowship/洪堡学者
2009年 - 2010年, 英国剑桥大学工程系, Research Associate
2008年 - 2009年, 英国利兹大学粒子系, Research Fellowship
2003年 - 2008年, 湖南大学, 供热供燃气通风与空调工程专业, 博士学位
2000年 - 2003年, 湖南大学, 供热供燃气通风与空调工程专业, 硕士学位
1996年 - 2000年, 中南大学, 供热通风与空调工程专业, 学士学位
15种国内国际期刊编委或副主编,包括制冷、武大学报、中南大学学报、Sci. Reports、Energy Eng.、Trans. Safety & Environment等
建筑与城市通风流体动力学 (多态/谐振/涡激振、城市热岛与舒缓适应性等)
建筑环境与绿色建筑节能协同 (碳中和、太阳能热电、仿生相变储能、分布式能源等)
电子器件低碳化热管理 (多元通风、仿生热管、振荡或冲击/合成/喷雾射流等)
流体环境非接触测量技术 (粒子图像测速PIV\激光诱导测温LIF\红外热像TII)
工程热力学 (必修, 本科生, 热能方向)
核反应堆热工水力学 (必修, 本科生, 核电方向)
制冷与空调(通风) (选修, 本科生, 热能方向)
多尺度建模与仿真 (必修, 本科生, 热能方向)
流体流动与传热数值计算 (必修, 研究生, 热能动力类)
节能减排、创新创业或行业科技大赛等指导教师 (面向全校本科或研究生)
2017年首届百名暖通空调杰出青年 (暖通空调期刊社)
2017年度青年才俊奖 (湖北省制冷学会)
2014年度省特聘专家 (湖北省人民政府)
2013年度省科技进步二等奖 (工业厂房环境污染高效治理关键技术)
2010年度省优秀博士学位论文 (室内空气多态模拟及对流反演, 导师: 汤广发)
2009年度省自然科学一等奖 (受限空间多相流动传热与传质机理研究)
2004年度省科技进步二等奖 (通风空调过程及人居环境仿真理论与应用研究)
jxf吉祥网手机在线国际化发展重点专项, 中俄深空探测器热管理与生命保障系统
国家自然科学基金委中英国际合作项目, 城市热岛效应舒缓与适应性技术论坛
省重点研发计划, 热管热电光伏制冷与泵式通风耦合增益建筑节能关键技术研究
省科技创新领军人才, 通风与空调工程
武汉市科技局应用基础前沿项目, 热电-电化学耦合过程热质流传递与多能量转换协同增益研究
jxf吉祥网手机在线人才计划II类, 建筑与城市通风非线性行为研究
北京卫星环境工程研究所课题, 航天电子器件散热用新型组合式吸液芯蒸发冷却技术
国家自然科学基金联合基金重点课题, 温度层结条件下气载污染物迁移扩散规律
国家自然科学基金面上项目, 内陆城市湖风环流多态耦合与空气环境增益机制研究
深圳市科技局基础研究计划, 城市尺度空气流动不稳定性及热岛和污染岛协同抑制策略研究
科技部十三五国家重点研发计划, 洁净空调厂房的节能设计与关键技术设备研究
科技部十三五国家重点研发计划, 促进可再生能源消纳的风电/光伏发电功率预测技术及应用
jxf吉祥网手机在线拔尖创新人才, 城市建筑环境多态流动特性及重密度污染物通风稀释机理研究
教育部留学回国基金, 公共建筑室内人员有序疏散与隐蔽危害源耦合辨识基础研究
省杰出青年基金, 城市通风多态流动机理与危害源追溯反演研究
国家人才计划专项, 低碳城市通风多尺度多场耦合流动理论
国家自科基金青年项目, 大空间气流组织失稳机理与对流反演营造研究
德国洪堡学者专项, Inverse CFD modeling of urban microclimatic air environment
国家自科基金面上项目, 建筑环境流体流动数值反演及其多态行为研究
Huai-Yu Zhong, Yang Sun, Jin Shang, Fu-Ping Qian, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Hideki Kikumoto, Carlos Jimenez-Bescos, Xiaochen Liu. Single-sided natural ventilation in buildings: A critical literature review. Building and Environment 212 (2022) 108797. (SCI IF 6.456)
Wei-Chen Zhang, Xiang-Yu Luo, Xin-Ru Peng, Run-Zhe Liu, Yi Jing, Fu-Yun Zhao*. Green roof on the ventilation and pollutant dispersion in urban street canyons under unstable thermal stratification: aiding and opposing effects. Sustainable Cities and Society 75 (2021) 103315. (SCI IF 7.587)
Wei-Wei Wang, Yang Cai, Lei Wang, Cheng-Wei Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Mikhail A. Sheremet, Di Liu. A two-phase closed thermosyphon operated with nanofluids for solar energy collectors: Thermodynamic modeling and entropy generation analysis. Solar Energy 211 (2020) 192-209. (SCI IF 5.742)
Wei-Wei Wang, Yang Cai, Lei Wang, Cheng-Wei Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Di Liu. Thermo-hydrodynamic analytical model, numerical solution and experimental validation of a radial heat pipe with internally finned condenser applied for building heat recovery units. Energy Conversion and Management 219 (2020) 113041. (SCI IF 9.709)
Huai-Yu Zhong, Yi Jing, Yang Sun, Hideki Kikumoto, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Yuguo Li. Wind-driven pumping flow ventilation of highrise buildings: effects of upstream building arrangements and opening area ratios. Science of the Total Environment 722 (2020) 137924. (SCI IF 7.963)
Jihao Zhang, Libin Lei, Fuyun Zhao*, Fanglin Chen, Minfang Han. A novel equivalent circuit for GDC-based solid oxide cells considering the variations of cell resistances under load. Electrochimica Acta 340 (2020) 135898. (SCI IF 6.901)
Wei-Wei Wang, Lei Wang, Yang Cai, Guo-Biao Yang, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Di Liu, Qing-Hua Yu. Thermo-hydrodynamic model and parametric optimization of a novel miniature closed oscillating heat pipe with periodic expansion-constriction condensers. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 152 (2020) 119460. (SCI IF 5.584)
Yang Cai, Wei-Wei Wang, Lei Wang, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*. A proton exchange membrane fuel cell-compound thermoelectric system: Bidirectional modeling and energy conversion potentials. Energy Conversion and Management 207 (2020) 112517. (SCI IF 9.709)
Yang Cai, Lei Wang, Wei-Wei Wang, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*. Solar energy harvesting potential of a photovoltaic-thermoelectric cooling and power generation system: Bidirectional modeling and performance optimization. Journal of Cleaner Production 254 (2020) 120150. (SCI IF 9.297)
Lei Wang, Yang Cai, Wei-Wei Wang, Run-Zhe Liu, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Han-Qing Wang. Magneto hydrodynamic convection in a nanofluid saturated enclosure with porous fins: joint effects of MHD, nanoparticles, and porous morphology. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow 22 (2020) 4025-4065. (SCI IF 4.170)
Yang Cai, Wei-Wei Wang, Cheng-Wei Liu, Wen-Tao Ding, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*. Performance evaluation of a thermoelectric ventilation system driven by the concentrated photovoltaic thermoelectric generators for green building operations. Renewable Energy 147 (2020) 1565-1583. (SCI IF 6.274)
Huai-Yu Zhong, Yi Jing, Yang Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Di Liu, Yuguo Li. CFD simulation of “pumping” flow mechanism of an urban building affected by an upstream building in high Reynolds flows. Energy and Buildings 202 (2019) 109330. (SCI IF 5.879)
Shuo-Jun Mei, Zhiwen Luo*, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Han-Qing Wang. Street canyon ventilation and airborne pollutant dispersion: 2-D versus 3-D CFD simulations. Sustainable Cities and Society 50 (2019) 101619. (SCI IF 7.587)
Huai-Yu Zhong, Dong-Dong Zhang, Yang Liu, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Yuguo Li, Han-Qing Wang. Wind driven “pumping” fluid flow and turbulent mean oscillation across high-rise building enclosures with multiple natural ventilated apertures. Sustainable Cities and Society 50 (2019) 101619. (SCI IF 7.587)
Wei-Wei Wang, Yang Cai, Run-Zhe Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Di Liu. Experimental and numerical investigations of a radial heat pipe for waste heat recovery. Applied Thermal Engineering 154 (2019) 602-613. (SCI IF 5.295)
Yang Cai, Wei-Wei Wang, Wen-Tao Ding, Guo-Biao Yang, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*. Entropy generation minimization of thermoelectric systems applied for electronic cooling: parametric investigations and operation optimization. Energy Conversion and Management 186 (2019) 401-414. (SCI IF 9.709)
Xiu-Hong Ren, Run-Zhe Liu, Yun-He Wang, Lin Wang, Fu-Yun Zhao*. Thermal driven natural convective flows inside the solar chimney flush-mounted with discrete heating sources: reversal and cooperative flow dynamics. Renewable Energy 138 (2019) 354-367. (SCI IF 6.274)
Yang Cai, Lei Wang, Wen-Tao Ding, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*. Thermal performance of an active thermoelectric ventilation system applied for built space cooling: network model and finite time thermodynamic optimization. Energy 170 (2019) 915-930. (SCI IF 7.147)
Shuo-Jun Mei, Jiang-Tao Hu, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Yuguo Li, Han-Qing Wang. Airborne pollutant dilution inside the deep street canyons subjecting to thermal buoyancy driven flows: effects of representative urban skylines. Building and Environment 149 (2019) 592-606. (SCI IF 6.456)
Dong-Dong Zhang, Yang Cai, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Yuguo Li. Dual steady flow solutions of heat and pollutant removal from a slot ventilated welding enclosure containing a bottom heating source. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 132 (2019) 11-24. (SCI IF 5.584)
Yang Cai, Dong-Dong Zhang, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Han-Qing Wang. Air source thermoelectric heat pump for simultaneous cold air delivery and hot water supply: Full modeling and performance evaluation. Renewable Energy 130 (2019) 968-981. (SCI IF 6.274)
Ji-Hao Zhang, Li-Bin Lei, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Meng Ni, Fanglin Chen. Mathematical Modeling of a Proton-Conducting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell with Current Leakage. Journal of Power Sources 400 (2018) 333-340. (SCI IF 9.127)
Shuo-Jun Mei, Jiang-Tao Hu, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Han-Qing Wang. Thermal buoyancy driven flows inside the industrial buildings primarily ventilated by the mechanical fans: local facilitation and infiltration. Energy and Buildings 175 (2018) 87-101. (SCI IF 5.879)
Huai-Yu Zhong, Dong-Dong Zhang, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Yuguo Li, Han-Qing Wang. Two-dimensional numerical simulation of wind driven ventilation across a building enclosure with two free apertures on the rear side: vortex shedding and “pumping flow mechanism”. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 179 (2018) 449-462. (SCI IF 4.082)
Yang Cai, Shuo-Jun Mei, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Han-Qing Wang. Thermoelectric heat recovery units applied in the energy harvest built ventilation: Parametric investigation and performance optimization. Energy Conversion and Management 171 (2018) 1163-1176. (SCI IF 9.709)
Dong-Dong Zhang, Huai-Yu Zhong, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Yuguo Li, Han-Qing Wang. Multi-objective-oriented removal of airborne pollutants from a slot-ventilated enclosure subjected to mechanical and multi component buoyancy Flows. Applied Mathematical Modelling 60 (2018) 333-353. (SCI IF 5.129)
Jiang-Tao Hu, Shuo-Jun Mei, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Han-Qing Wang. Buoyancy driven double diffusive moisture convection inside the fluid-porous-solid sandwiched building enclosure containing internal heating sources. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 123 (2018) 600-615. (SCI IF 5.584)
Shuo-Jun Mei, Jiang-Tao Hu, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Yuguo Li, Han-Qing Wang. Thermal buoyancy driven canyon airflows inside the compact urban blocks saturated with very weak synoptic wind: plume merging mechanism. Building and Environment 131 (2018) 32-43. (SCI IF 6.456)
Dong-Dong Zhang, Xin Wang, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Long-Jian Xue, Han-Qing Wang. Uniformity of thermal fields in multi-heat-sources synthesis and the elongations of graphene sheets composites and polymers applied in the bionic robots. Applied Thermal Engineering 129 (2018) 354-365. (SCI IF 5.295)
Shuo-Jun Mei, Jiang-Tao Hu, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Yuguo Li, Yang Wang, Han-Qing Wang. Wind driven natural ventilation in the idealized building block arrays with multiple urban morphologies and unique package building density. Energy and Buildings 155 (2017) 324-338. (SCI IF 5.879)
Ji-Hao Zhang, Li-Bin Lei, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Fanglin Chen, Han-Qing Wang. Numerical investigation of solid oxide electrolysis cells for hydrogen production applied with different continuity expressions. Energy Conversion and Management 149 (2017) 646-659. (SCI IF 9.709)
Dong-Dong Zhang, Lei Wang, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Han-Qing Wang. Free convective energy management of an inclined enclosure mounted with triple heating elements: multiple morphology optimizations with unique global energy supply. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 115 (2017) 406-420. (SCI IF 5.584)
Xiu-Hong Ren, Jiang-Tao Hu, Di Liu, Cheng-Wei Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Han-Qing Wang. Heterogeneous convective thermal and airborne pollutant removals from a partial building enclosure with a conducting baffle: parametric investigations and steady transition flow solutions. Energy and Buildings 138 (2017) 280-300. (SCI IF 5.879)
Yang Wang*, Jens Kuckelkorn, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Hartmut Spliethoff, Werner Lang. A state of art of review on interactions between energy performance and indoor environment quality in Passive House buildings. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 72 (2017) 1303-1309. (SCI IF 14.982)
Ji-Hao Zhang, Dong-Dong Zhang, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Yuguo Li, Han-Qing Wang. Free vent boundary conditions for thermal buoyancy driven laminar flows inside open building enclosures. Building and Environment 111 (2017) 10-23. (SCI IF 6.456)
Jiang-Tao Hu, Xiu-Hong Ren, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Han-Qing Wang. Natural convective heat and moisture transfer in an inclined building enclosure with one slender wall of finite thickness: analytical investigation and non-unique steady flow solutions. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 104 (2017) 1160-1176. (SCI IF 5.584)
Yang Cai, Di Liu*, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Jian-Feng Tang. Performance analysis and assessment of thermoelectric micro cooler for electronic devices. Energy Conversion and Management 124 (2016) 203-211. (SCI IF 9.709)
Dong-Dong Zhang, Ji-Hao Zhang, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Han-Qing Wang. Conjugate thermal transport enhancement for an air filled enclosure with heat conducting partitions using inverse convection methodology. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 102 (2016) 788-800. (SCI IF 5.584)
Di Liu*, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Hongxing Yang, Jian Chen, Changwen Ye. Probability adjoint identification of airborne pollutant sources depending on one sensor in a ventilated enclosure with conjugate heat and species transports. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 102 (2016) 919-933. (SCI IF 5.584)
Shuo-Jun Mei, Cheng-Wei Liu, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao*, Han-Qing Wang, Xiao-Hong Li. Fluid mechanical dispersion of airborne pollutants inside urban street canyons subjecting to multi-component ventilation and unstable thermal stratifications. Science of the Total Environment 565 (2016) 1102-1115. (SCI IF 7.963)
(Aforementioned information was updated before April 2022).