
Creation, innovation and Entrepreneurship



分类:院内新闻 作者: 来源: 时间:2021-11-17 访问量:

吴国强  教授、博导














作为独立项目负责人(PIPrinciple Investigator),主持含政府企业合作、企业资助及政府资助等科研项目共4项,总计科研经费超过560万新币(约2800万人民币)。







Guoqiang Wu#,*, Beibei Han#, Daw Don Cheam#, Eva Wai Leong Ching, Peter Hyun Kee Chang, and Yuandong Gu, Development Of 6-Degree-of-Freedom (DOF) Inertial Sensors With A 8-inch Advanced MEMS Fabrication Platform, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., (online published) (SCI, IF: 7.168)

Guoqiang Wu#,*, Jinghui Xu#, Xiaolin Zhang, Nan Wang, Danlei Yan, Jayce Lay Keng Lim, Yao Zhu, Wei Li, and Yuandong Gu, Wafer-Level Vacuum-Packaged High Performance AlN-on-SOI Piezoelectric Resonator for Sub-100 MHz Oscillator Applications, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 65, no. 4, pp. 3576-3584, Apr. 2018. (SCI, IF: 7.168)

Jinghui Xu#, Kevin Tshun-Chuan Chai#, Guoqiang Wu#, Eva Leong-Ching Wai, Wei Li, Jason Yeo, Edwin Nijhof, and Yuandong Gu*, Low Cost, Tiny Sized MEMS Hydrophone Sensor For Water Pipeline Leak Detection, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., (online published) (SCI, IF: 7.168)

Guoqiang Wu*, Geng Li Chua, Navab Singh, and Yuandong Gu, A Quadruple Mass Vibrating MEMS Gyroscope With Symmetric Design, IEEE Sensors Letters, vol. 2, no. 4, p. 2501404, Dec. 2018.

Guoqiang Wu*, Geng Li Chua, and Yuandong Gu, A dual-mass fully decoupled MEMS gyroscope with wide bandwidth and high linearity, Sens. Actuators A: Phys., vol 259, pp. 50-56, Mar. 2017. (SCI, IF: 2.499)

Guoqiang Wu, Yao Zhu, Srinivas Merugu, Nan Wang, Chengliang Sun*, and Yuandong Gu, GHz spurious mode free AlN lamb wave resonator with high figure of merit using one dimensional phononic crystal tethers, Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 109, no. 1, pp. 013506, Jul. 2016. (SCI, IF: 3.411)

Guoqiang Wu*, Dehui Xu, Bin Xiong, Lufeng Che, and Yuelin Wang, Design, fabrication and characterization of a resonant magnetic field sensor based on mechanically coupled dual-microresonator, Sens. Actuators A: Phys., vol. 248, pp. 1-5, Jul. 2016. (SCI, IF: 2.499)

Guoqiang Wu, Dehui Xu*, Xiao Sun, Bin Xiong, and Yuelin Wang, Wafer-Level Vacuum Packaging for Microsystems Using Glass Frit Bonding, IEEE Trans. Comp. Packag. Technol., vol. 3, no. 10, pp. 1640-1646, Oct. 2013. (SCI, IF: 1.581)

Guoqiang Wu, Dehui Xu*, Bin Xiong, Duan Feng and Yuelin Wang, Resonant Magnetic Field Sensor With Capacitive Driving and Electromagnetic Induction Sensing, IEEE Electron Device Lett., vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 459-461, Mar. 2013. (SCI, IF: 3.048)

Guoqiang Wu*, Dehui Xu, Bin Xiong, and Yuelin Wang, Effect of air damping on quality factor of bulk mode microresonators, Microelectronic Engineering, vol. 103, pp. 86-91, Mar. 2013. (SCI, IF: 1.806)

Guoqiang Wu*, Dehui Xu, Bin Xiong, Yuchen Wang, Yuelin Wang, and Yinglei Ma, Wafer-Level Vacuum Packaging for MEMS Resonators Using Glass Frit Bonding, J. Microelectromech. Syst., vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 1484-1491, Dec. 2012. (SCI, IF: 2.124)

Guoqiang Wu, Dehui Xu*, Bin Xiong, and Yuelin Wang, Wheatstone bridge piezoresistive sensing for bulk-mode micromechanical resonator, Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 101, no. 19, p. 193505, Nov. 2012. (SCI, IF: 3.411)

Guoqiang Wu*, Dehui Xu, Bin Xiong, and Yuelin Wang, Redistribution of Electrical Interconnections for Three-Dimensional Wafer-Level Packaging With Silicon Bumps, IEEE Electron Device Lett., vol. 33, no. 8, pp. 1177-1179, Aug. 2012. (SCI, IF: 3.048)

Guoqiang Wu*, Dehui Xu, Bin Xiong, and Yuelin Wang, High Q Single Crystal Silicon Micromechanical Resonators With Hybrid Etching Process, IEEE Sensors J., vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 2414-2415, Jul. 2012. (SCI, IF: 2.512)

Guoqiang Wu*, Dehui Xu, Bin Xiong, and Yuelin Wang, A high performance bulk mode single crystal silicon microresonator based on a cavity-SOI wafer, J. Micromech. Microeng., vol. 22, no. 2, 025020, Feb. 2012. (SCI, IF: 1.794)

Guoqiang Wu*, Dehui Xu, Bin Xiong, and Yuelin Wang, A high Q micromachined single crystal silicon bulk mode resonator with pre-etched cavity, Microsyst. Technol., vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 25-30, Jan. 2012. (SCI, IF: 1.195)

Nan Wang, Jinghui Xu, Xiaolin Zhang, Guoqiang Wu, Yao Zhu, Wei Li, and Yuandong Gu, Methods for precisely controlling the residual stress and temperature coefficient of the frequency of a MEMS resonator based on an AlN cavity silicon-on-insulator platform, J. Micromech. Microeng., vol. 26, no. 7, pp. 074003, May, 2016. (SCI, IF: 1.794)

Yuzhao Wang, Yong Xie, Tianlei Zhang, Guoqiang Wu, Gang Wang, and Caijia Yu, Quality factor measurement for MEMS resonator using time-domain amplitude decaying method, Microsyst. Technol., vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 825-829, Apr. 2014. (SCI, IF: 1.195)

Duan Feng, Dehui Xu, Guoqiang Wu, Bin Xiong, and Yuelin Wang, Phononic crystal strip based anchors for reducing anchor loss of micromechanical resonators,J. Appl. Phys.,vol. 115, no. 2, p. 024503, Jan. 2014. (SCI, IF: 2.068)

Duan Feng, Dehui Xu, Guoqiang Wu, Bin Xiong, and Yuelin Wang,  Extending of band gaps in silicon based one-dimensional phononic crystal strips, Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 103, no. 15, p. 151906, Oct. 2013. (SCI, IF: 3.411)

Xiao Sun, Dehui Xu, Bin Xiong, Guoqiang Wu, and Yuelin Wang,  A wide measurement pressure range CMOS-MEMS based integrated thermopile vacuum gauge with an XeF2 dry-etching process, Sens. Actuators A, Phys., vol. 201, pp. 428-433, Oct. 2013. (SCI, IF: 2.499)

Dehui Xu, Bin Xiong, Guoqiang Wu, Yuchen Wang, Xiao Sun, and Yuelin Wang,  Isotropic Silicon Etching With XeF2 Gas for Wafer-Level Micromachining Applications, J. Microelectromech. Syst., vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 1436-1444, Dec. 2012. (SCI, IF: 2.124)

Dehui Xu, Bin Xiong, Guoqiang Wu, Yinglei Ma, and Yuelin Wang, Uncooled Thermoelectric Infrared Sensor With Advanced Micromachining, IEEE Sensors J., vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 2014-2023, Jun. 2012. (SCI, IF: 2.512)


Guoqiang Wu, Beibei Han, Daw Don Cheam, Peter Hyun Kee Chang, Navab Singh, and Yuandong Gu, 6-DOF Inertial Sensor Development with Advanced Fabrication Platform, The 13th IEEE Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS2018), Singapore, Apr. 22-26, 2018.

Beibei Han, Guoqiang Wu, Chun Lian Ong, Daw Don Cheam, Peter Hyun Kee Chang, and Yuandong Gu, Development of Monolithic 3-Axial Accelerometer on 6-DOF TSV Encapsulated Inertial MEMS, The 13th IEEE Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS2018), Singapore, Apr. 22-26, 2018.

Guoqiang Wu, Jifang Tao, Hong Cai, Alex Yuandong Gu, Low Loss AlN Optical Resonators for Sensing Applications, In Proceedings of the Optofluidics 2017, July 2528, 2017, Singapore.

Guoqiang Wu, Jinghui Xu, Xiaolin Zhang, Nan Wang, Danlei Yan, Jayce Lay Keng Lim, Yao Zhu, Wei Li, and Yuandong Gu, High Q low impedance WLCSP resonator for sub-100 MHz programmable oscillator application, 30th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (IEEE MEMS 2017), Las Vegas, USA, pp. 913-916, Jan. 22-26, 2017.

Jing Jin, Guoqiang Wu, and Yuandong Gu, Optimizing Spring Design of Fully Decoupled Vibrating MEMS Gyroscope, The International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences (TICEAS), Singapore, Feb. 21-23, 2017. (Student paper)

Guoqiang Wu, Dehui Xu, Bin Xiong, and Yuelin Wang, A micromachined square extensional mode resonant magnetometer with directly voltage output, 26th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (IEEE MEMS 2013), Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 633-636, Jan. 20-24, 2013.

Guoqiang Wu, Dehui Xu, Bin Xiong, and Yuelin Wang, Wheatstone bridge arrangement based piezoresistive sensing for bulk mode micromechanical resonator, JCK MEMS/NEMS 2012, Shanghai, China, Sep. 22-24, 2012.

Guoqiang Wu, Dehui Xu, Bin Xiong, Errong Jing, and Yuelin Wang, Wafer Level Vacuum Packaged Resonator with In-situ Au-Al Eutectic Re-Distribution Layer, IEEE Sensors 2012, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 28-31, 2012.

Guoqiang Wu, Dehui Xu, Bin Xiong, and Yuelin Wang, A Wafer Level Vacuum Packaging for MEMS Using Glass Frit Bonding, 3rd International Conference of the Chinese Society of Micro-Nano Technology, Hangzhou, China, Nov. 4-7, 2012.

Guoqiang Wu, Dehui Xu, Bin Xiong, Yinglei Ma, Yuelin Wang, and Errong Jing, Analysis of Air Damping in Micromachined Resonators, The 7th IEEE Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2012), Kyoto, Japan, pp. 610-613, Mar. 5-8, 2012.

Guoqiang Wu, Dehui Xu, Bin Xiong, and Yuelin Wang, Micromachined Single Crystal Silicon Bulk Mode Resonator with Pre-etched Cavity, 2nd International Conference of the Chinese Society of Micro-Nano Technology, Xian, China, Oct. 22-24, 2010.

Dehui Xu, Bin Xiong, Guoqiang Wu, Yinglei Ma, Errong Jing, and Yuelin Wang, 3D Monolithic Integrated Thermoelectric IR Sensor, IEEE Sensors 2012, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 28-31, 2012.

Dehui Xu, Bin Xiong, Errong Jing, Guoqiang Wu, and Yuelin Wang, Thermopile IR Detector with Filter Cointegrated by Wafer Bonding Technique, The 24th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (IEEE-MEMS 2011), Cancun, Mexico, pp. 724-727, Jan. 23-27, 2011.

Dehui Xu, Bin Xiong, Guoqiang Wu, Yinglei Ma, Yuelin Wang, and Errong Jing, Characterization Of Wafer-level XeF2 Gas-phase Isotropic Etching For MEMS Processing, The 7th IEEE Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS2012), Kyoto, Japan, pp. 356-359, Mar. 5-8, 2012.















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WO2017138884A1Optical Gyroscope, Electro-Optic System and Methods of Forming the Same,国际,2017

WO2017048189A1Bolometer, method of fabrication the same, and bolometric method,国际,2017.03

SG 10201706910RIntegrated Opto-Mechanics Gyroscope,新加坡,2017



获奖题目:High Grade MEMS Gyroscope Development



